Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Gabby's First Solo Kill, and It's Aftermath!

Hello All!

Today was my very first solo kill. Though I wish I could say that my opponent was flying something grand, like a Wolf, or Ishkur, I must confess that the truth be told, it was a Gallente Shuttle.

XO Saul apparently was afk on the Ardar Gate in Floseswin, when I happened upon his shuttle. My FC gave me the go-ahead and I locked, fired, and popped his shuttle. When I saw that his pod wasn't moving, I shook my head realizing that the hapless chap was indeed afk! Well, always eager to provide some instruction, even to the enemy, I locked his pod, and popped it as well!

Several minutes later I received an invitation to chat with XO Saul, and the following is the (edited) result...

Channel ID: 2140960361 Channel Name: Private Chat (XO Saul)
Listener: Gabriel Theodoulos Session started: 2009.03.04 21:50:24
[ 2009.03.04 21:50:34 ] Gabriel Theodoulos > Hail and Greetings!
[ 2009.03.04 21:50:55 ] XO Saul > why you shoot my pod? it was 100 m for me
[ 2009.03.04 21:51:11 ] XO Saul > why didn'T you ask for money or something
[ 2009.03.04 21:51:15 ] Gabriel Theodoulos > You are flagged as a War Target Sir.
[ 2009.03.04 21:51:25 ] XO Saul > i was afk
[ 2009.03.04 21:51:29 ] XO Saul > didn'T you see?
[ 2009.03.04 21:51:31 ] XO Saul > it was fair
[ 2009.03.04 21:51:32 ] XO Saul > ?
[ 2009.03.04 21:51:36 ] XO Saul > honorable kill?
[ 2009.03.04 21:51:37 ] XO Saul > or what?
[ 2009.03.04 21:51:52 ] Gabriel Theodoulos > yes, apparently you were indeed afk!
[ 2009.03.04 21:52:17 ] Gabriel Theodoulos > though I am a noob myself, I have learned not to go afk in low sec space Smiley
[ 2009.03.04 21:52:34 ] Gabriel Theodoulos > nothing personal...
[ 2009.03.04 21:52:44 ] Gabriel Theodoulos > just following orders.
[ 2009.03.04 21:52:57 ] XO Saul > orders
[ 2009.03.04 21:53:18 ] Gabriel Theodoulos > please, excuse me... must get back to work!
[ 2009.03.04 21:53:23 ] Gabriel Theodoulos > Fly Safe!
[ 2009.03.04 21:53:26 ] XO Saul > put your orders into your [bleep!], and watch your back, next time we will kill you, and leave this sys

... and I was truly hoping he would have appreciated the learning experience!

Sad to say, I get the impression that he took it a bit personally.

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